current LineupS Overview
Zyi (“Z”) Li - Co-Founder/Organizer - Saxophone
I’m born and raised in STL and play the saxophone professionally (alto and tenor) with over 25 years of playing experience. I served in the United States Marine Corps as a musician from 2010-2014. I work for the federal government as an attorney. I have a daughter. She is “Chilombian”, half Chinese and half Colombian. I like live entertainment, making music, performing, and trying new things. I also like animals, the outdoors, combat sports, marksmanship, motorcycles, craft arts, the performing arts, and anything that gets your blood pumping. I want to give back to the community through the universal language of music. “Live Life Proud”.
Jenny Wu - Co-founder/General manager - Violin
I was born in Taiwan and moved to the U.S. at age 9. I’ve lived in L.A., Denver, and Washington D.C. as well. I started playing the violin at age 3, won competitions, and have toured in the U.S. and Asia, both classically and with bands. During my doctoral studies in violin performance I found my true passion. I want to create memories with the people I love, for the people I love, and for the love of people with the people they love. I am blessed with a husband in St. Louis who strives for a standard of excellence, and appreciates and loves live entertainment as much as I do. I love smiling, giggling, laughing, and enjoying the simple things in life. I work hard to live a life of significance and impact, spreading positivity in any way I can!
Become a sponsor
We are looking for people, groups, companies, and organizations to help our cause and sponsor us. Whether it is financially, media coverage, a venue, or some other kind of resource, we are asking for your help. No one can do anything alone and we need support from our local community to improve music and entertainment in STL. We will be glad to include you on our website and detail what you contributed, and may identify your contributions at future events. Please contact us to learn more about sponsoring us and joining our mission and movement.

about the Lineups
The idea is to create new, unique, and innovated groups/lineups that combine to form shows, create events, and outreach to the community. There is emphasis on creating original content. The below groups are composed of a diverse selection of people all around the greater STL area or have ties and family here. There are both professional and hobbyist people. Members (also referred to as “Stars” after our logo) are also of different backgrounds, experiences, goals, ambitions, aspirations, and phases in life. The idea is to show that our entertainment activities do not have boundaries and bring people together. All the members are professional characters, are team players, and are invested in working together to create unique and exciting products. ZME also works to invest in, train, mentor, and support their members. Groups will also pool together to create events and shows both free and paid, are for hire, do small acts of kindness and things for the community, invite guests to perform, and teach as well. Click on the name of each group to learn about the members and see media footage. They all follow a similar name theme with MO (being Missouri and More) at the beginning.
What’s Offered
The active lineups below and various listed Stars are for-hire for any community and private events. You may hire entire groups, parts of groups, multiple groups, or a mix-match of groups and members. Pricing varies depending on each group and what kind of event, requests, and logistics. Note that because certain people in each group may have other commitments during certain times, sit-ins/replacements may fill their spot. For small events, we are glad to do things for free as a way to give back to the community. For example, a duet saxophone and violin playing a few songs with backing tracks for a surprise birthday serenade or a group performing a small set for a fund-raiser for a certain community cause may be something we would consider doing for free. View the growing set list for all groups here. For all inquiries, please email
This is a solo or small ensemble set with live music and/or DJ. Simply a solo act myself, Zyi Li, on saxophone using backing tracks/DJ, duet saxophone and violin using backing tracks, or a small ensemble as requested pulling from the various other groups. Playing jazz standards, top charting hits from history and today, and originals, there is a large selection and mix of music to choose from to entertain any audience. This musical act is great for any event big or small, is flexible, can be background ambient music, or lead an entire show. This is to provide a minimal piece group, but maximize entertainment and musicianship for its size. Formed in 2020. #MOSOLOLINEUP.
For inquiries, please email
This is a STL based party/brass band that can be on the move. MO ECHO stands for Missouri/more echo. That is the sound you’d imagine such a band can create with its blasting horns. The Band consists of your standard band instruments (Saxophone, Trombone, Trumpet, Drums) and plays a variety of music. The music ranges from New Orleans like styled classics, new age brass band arrangements, and to popular hits of yesterday and today. This band is able to add energy to any event. With horn flashes, movement, and energetic and talented players, MO ECHO gets the audience grooving with a positive family friendly feel. The players are all of different backgrounds and experiences. Therefore, the compiled group brings unique styles to the table. Formed in 2020. #MOECHOLINEUP.
For inquiries, please email
This is an all-inclusive multi-genre band which brings a twist of incorporating non-traditional instruments to the table. MO BRAVO stands for Missouri/more with a standing ovation. The group performs a wide range of music from jazz to popular pop tunes of today. They also create unique originals. The members are all high-caliber and youthful professionals who are open-minded, diverse, and have a passion for their craft. Open to all genres, styles, and forms of music, this group will not hesitate to create new sounds, twists, and atmosphere with their songs and performances. As such, the group will invite multiple vocalists and a world assortment of unique instruments into its recordings and shows to capture one-of-a-kind essence in sound. Additionally, the focus will be to highlight live performance and live sounds of instruments. Formed in 2020. #MOBRAVOLINEUP.
For inquiries, please email
This is a STL based Chinese lion dance group. MO COMBO stands for Missouri/more combinations. The idea is to bring visual interpretation and movement to live music suitable for any party/event while influencing ethnic and cultural diversity! Formed in 2021. #MOCOMBOLINEUP.
For inquiries, please email