An all inclusive variety band that is versatile and is set to play multiple genres, from jazz to modern day pop, and all the top 40s hits and includes non-traditional instruments as well. The band includes a diverse group that will be able to cover popular covers across genres while developing unique originals. The group is to create that traditional band feeling with multiple vocalists while highlighting the skills of instrumentalists and the rhythm section. The group was previously named MO TEMPO and MO VIVO, but eventually changed and combined.
Get to know our current members and view past event’s media footage below. Read the group summary on the Overview page. View the growing set list here. For inquiries, please email zyilistl@gmail.com. #MOBRAVOLINEUP.
Follow MO BRAVO Variety Band on Social Media (@MOBRAVOVarietyBand or @MOBRAVOBand): Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

12.31.22: Evangeline's Bistro

12.04.22: Rehearsal

10.21.22: The Convervatory

10.01.22: Wedding

08.20.22: Padrinos Mexican Restaurant

08.06.22: Blue Strawberry

07.23.22: Ferguson Farmers Market

07.02.22: Evangeline's Bistro

06.25.22: The Mocktail Lounge

04.09.22: Video Shoot

12.18.21: Evangeline's Bistro

10.16.21: The Mocktail Lounge

04.06.21: Video Shoot

09.26.20: Rehearsal