This is a brass party band that can play at any indoor or outdoor event on the move. Playing an assortment of styles, covers, and originals, this band is made up of a unique mix of people. We are here to bring that marching band and drum line sound to you with extra horn flares, fun energy, and movement.
Get to know our current members and and view past event’s media footage below. Read the group summary on the Overview page. View the growing set list here. For inquiries, please email zyilistl@gmail.com. #MOECHOLINEUP #MOECHOBRASSBAND.
Follow MO ECHO Brass Band on Social Media (@MOECHOBrassBand or @MOECHOBrassBandSTL): Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

07.04.23: Central West End July 4th Parade

02.18.23: STL Mardi Gras Parade

10.21.22: The Conservatory

09.25.22: Sister Cities Palooza

09.23.22: STL Talent Showcase

08.06.22: Blue Strawberry

07.04.22: Ferguson July 4th Parade

05.19.22: Padrinos

04.22.22: Celebration Of Life

02.26.22: Mardi Gras

11.13.21: Utopia Studios Video Shoot

10.30.21: Peace Love Coffee

10.23.21: The Mocktail Lounge

04.05.21: Video Shoot

09.06.20: Forest Park Photo Shoot